house full
Yesterday there were about 40- 50 people in Mel and Sarah's house--left over relatives here for the wedding (like me). Today there are 6 of us, the rest have gone home. Mel has hidden himself away as he is "peopled out". Laena and I drove Lois to the airport this morning --heading back to Hong Kong. THE WEDDING was lovely but what a lot of work for two-four hours of celebration. PLEASE TELL ME IT WAS WORTH IT ALL --traditions kept, memories made, pictures for future reference, -- I'm not sure today. I watched Sarah store away all the decorations, and left over food. I've heard a few nieces say "I'm flying to an island--come if you want". I Think I recall that one from my own family too!!
BC is lush and beautiful. There are berries hanging from every bush and fruit trees dropping fruit. I keep saying to the relatives "If Art were here he'd be in his glory berry picking"
Gail is blogging!! YEAH GAIL
BC is lush and beautiful. There are berries hanging from every bush and fruit trees dropping fruit. I keep saying to the relatives "If Art were here he'd be in his glory berry picking"
Gail is blogging!! YEAH GAIL