Mama Bevy's Blog

Friday, July 29, 2005

Still here John

I've just got to get someone to see how strange this conversation seems to me. I've decided to write it as a screen play(like for Sean Hogan and some of His friends)....I'm not trying to translate---just write new dialogue from the book. Ya ya I know the book IS dialogue--grant me some slack here.

Jesus: "Hey dudes, don't stress out. You trust in God right? Well you can count on me as much as Him. My Dad's got this HUGE place. I'm gunna go and get a real SWEET place ready so you can stay there with us. You know where it's at you can get there??"

Dudes:" What you talkin' about. We have NO IDEA where you're off to, so how could we POSSIBLY know how to get there!!"

Jesus: "I'm your ticket there. Nobody gets into Dad's place unless I OK it. Have we hung out together this long and you still don't get it?? If you know ME you'll totally "get" my Dad. Lookin' at Me is like lookin' at Him."

Dudes: " So let's see His picture and we'll get off your back."

Jesus: "Man guys...Don't you get it YET!! It's been 3 long years!! If you've seen me, you've seen my DAD. We are about the same stuff, so... I do what ever He tells me to do and HE makes it happen!! If you can't get your head around this, at LEAST be convinced cause of the stuff you've seen ME do!! By the way if we KEEP hanging out... I swear you'll be able to do the same stuff I do and more!!!"

Dudes: (mouths hanging open) Whaaaa????

More of scene one tomorrow....

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Just a note about Gail

I talked to Gail last night and she told me she ate LOBSTER for breakfast yesterday!! She is enjoying her trip and Shawn and Flynn are having a blast.

Marcel---it you read this, tell me how to get onto your blog. I have wanted to comment bug keep get kicked out.

Still looking at John 14

I'm reading "If you learned to recognize me, you would also know my Father..... Anyone who has seen me has seen my Father......I am in my Father and my Father is in me" Now I'm searching for ANYTHNG that could possibly help me understand this on THIS EARTHLY side.

Only thing I can think of is my Mom. My Mom was like a loaf of home-made bread. Very crusty on the outside but real soft and squishy and white in the middle. The safe place with her was spirit to spirit---the very centre of her communicating with the very centre of me. THAT was a safe place. If we could have lived there always--life would have been grand. Jesus in her, Jesus in me and all inGod. Unfortunately, in this world, bread has crusts.

Jesus lived Spirit to Spirit ALWAYS!! So He says "If you've seen me you've seen Dad too." Help me now!! He says he sent a "Counselor. Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener and Standby" to help us live in this Spirit to spirit way. So I guess HE has to cut through ALL THAT CRUSTY STUFF to get to the soft white centre to talk to us. My prayer, "Slice away then".

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Before there was television, DVDs, Videos, radios, eight tracks, cassettes, and Cds; When runners and minstrels delivered the news; When no one (at the moment) was conquerring your world or you theirs; When you walked or drove a horse and buggy to interact with neighbors; What did PEACE look like THEN? Were these people living with heart peace?
We use the term PEACE and Quiet. Is there peace when all is quiet? Are tranquil (non-hostile) moments what we are looking for to have peace. I know I can be sitting in a quiet atmosphere--even by mself in the dark, and still be agitated.
Is peace an internal or external condition or both??
Is peace -- harmony in relationships? When we agree to disagree with someone, is there now PEACE between us??
Back to my verses "Don't LET your heart be troubled", "My PEACE I give (bequeath) to you" If peace depends on perfect external conditions, there isn't much of it in this world. If peace is an internal condition even in a chaotic world, let me in on how to LIVE in THIS PRESENCE!!
More questions than answers!! Peace be with you today.
Peace be with you today!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

More about "LET"

I'm still on the let idea. I believe I learned in English class when someone says "Do not do (something)", the subject of that sentence is YOU. So in this case this could read "YOU guys-- do not LET your hearts be troubled or afraid" Good advice, but give me a clue on HOW to do this. In the context it was given, Jesus tells His guys He's going away to build houses for them--then coming back.
I watch "The Alamo" last week. This is a goup of guys trying to "hold the fort" waiting for reinforcements to rescue them. (John Wayne was even there playing Davy Crockett). Sometimes life feels like in "hold the fort" mode and I hear "Do not LET"----Whoa give me some more clues on the HOW level.
One thing I DID see in this passage on the HOW level is, " PEACE I leave you: MY (own)peace I now give and bequeath to you." The most profound experience I've had with THIS peace was when my mom passed away. I was held and lifted by this for about 3 weeks. It was amazing!!
HOW do I access (LET) this SAME peace keep me on the other stuff?? Back to the text once more.

Monday, July 25, 2005


I've been reading John and one little word stood out for me. "Do not "LET" your hearts be troubled (distressed, agitated)" .---Amplified.
If I said to a kid "Don't let the cat in", there are some pre-supposed ideas. There is indeed a cat. There is desire on the part of the kid (or cat) to COME in. There is a way of NOT letting the thing in.
When it comes to NOT LETTING in trouble (distress, agitation), there MUST also be some pre-supposed ideas. There IS trouble, these troubles could, in fact, come in or stay out. There must be a way of NOT Letting them in or SOMEONE wouldn't tell us "DO NOT LET"
Further down this same passage is another add-on to the DON'T LET, "Do not let your hearts be troubled neither LET THEM BE AFRAID (stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and distrubed: and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled)" --Amplified again. Soooooo I'm on a quest to find out how not to LET these things in. I'm sure there are other clues in this chapter...... so off I go!!

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Dial up????

Like I said on the last post, I'm at Gail's place and she has dial-up internet. In MY house I don't have to disconnect anything. This morning I was still connected from LAST night!! FORTUNATELY today is Saturday and last night it was after 6 when I started---that means FREE long distance (if this is long distance). I was saying to my kids, that Art was having trouble with a different coffee maker here than at home---so it serves me right for messing up with the internet.

I just talked to Gail and she is in the middle of a HUGE family gathering of Daves' family so she sounded "people stressed". Tomorrow she will fly out east with just her little ones and Shawn and Flynn.

Bella Boo--the cuddle bug -- is 3 years old today. We already did the Grandparents thing last week so we don't need to go to the 3 year old kid thing --GOOD THINKING ERICA!! Bella is so cuddley and sweet. I hope she never out grows that!!

Friday, July 22, 2005

Finally made it here!!

I'm at Gail's for a week---traumatizing her computer. I couldn't figure out how to get on my OWN blog from here. I'm a computer "DINLO" Did I spell 'dinlo' incorrectly?? I learned that word from you Rebecca.

Well I went to the doctor today and she told me --yes Cindy-- it's an inner ear "virus". She said "we doctors always call it a virus when we have no idea what causes it." Her husband had it and he couldn't stand upright for a week. In that case--this is a mild version as this usually happens when I roll over in bed or go from laying to sitting or sitting to standing. No matter what happens-- I don't bend over!! I have been driving but don't shoulder check. I PROMISE to limit driving until this is better. I've heard from others that it can go away in two weeks or a year.----I pick two weeks!!! Are you with me????

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

My world is spinning

Something, somewhere in my body, is causing my world to spin. If I role over in bed, my bed becomes a ship at sea and the whole room goes around and around. Sometimes when I am sitting and stand up the same thing happens. I can't look down when I am climbing stairs for the same reason. I used to get these same feelings when riding rides at the fair (the EX). Now I can re-live my youth in my very own house!! Rolling over in bed!!! I'm going to see my doctor on Friday to see if there is a cure for being on a perpetual ride. I don't think I'll miss THIS ride!!

Thursday, July 07, 2005


I haven't blogged in a long while. I feel flat!! NO I didn't say fat (though I should), I said FLAT. Like ...on hold---waiting for something. Haven't got anything positive or negative to say I am saying nothing.....................................until further notice.