A while ago someone used the phrase "a sense of entitlement". Our response to entitlement can go in different directions.
Entitlement can make us indifferent. I was thinking of the first generation immigrants who cleared land and built homes and church. They built their communities from the ground up. My father and mother fell into this catagory. They "owned" (took responsibility) for every part of their world. I as a second generation child WENT to the church they built, I WENT to the schools they started. I still had a sense that some work had gone before me but I didn't have the same investment that my parents had in the community. The next generation took it for granted that a church and schooling was available for everyone, all the time, when just two generations back, it hadn't been. Are the following generations as invested as the first. I doubt it.
Entitlement can make us arrogant. Someone compared the present generation to Royality of the last generation. Their experience has taught them that everything they ask for will be given them without any effort on their part. Ask and you'll receive. If they don't GET what they want they'll take it at someone elses expense. If they are denied, they are rude, impatient, and angry.
Lastly, entitlement can make us thankful. To know we and loved, cared for, special, and accepted can fill us with JOY. No problem too big that it can't be solved together. Knowing we are in good hands. Knowing only that which will harm us is withheld. Protected from harm. All our needs met. Showered with mercy and love.
Same entitlement--- different responses.
Entitlement can make us indifferent. I was thinking of the first generation immigrants who cleared land and built homes and church. They built their communities from the ground up. My father and mother fell into this catagory. They "owned" (took responsibility) for every part of their world. I as a second generation child WENT to the church they built, I WENT to the schools they started. I still had a sense that some work had gone before me but I didn't have the same investment that my parents had in the community. The next generation took it for granted that a church and schooling was available for everyone, all the time, when just two generations back, it hadn't been. Are the following generations as invested as the first. I doubt it.
Entitlement can make us arrogant. Someone compared the present generation to Royality of the last generation. Their experience has taught them that everything they ask for will be given them without any effort on their part. Ask and you'll receive. If they don't GET what they want they'll take it at someone elses expense. If they are denied, they are rude, impatient, and angry.
Lastly, entitlement can make us thankful. To know we and loved, cared for, special, and accepted can fill us with JOY. No problem too big that it can't be solved together. Knowing we are in good hands. Knowing only that which will harm us is withheld. Protected from harm. All our needs met. Showered with mercy and love.
Same entitlement--- different responses.