Mama Bevy's Blog

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


I'm going home tomorrow. It is really nice out here now. Most of the snow is gone. I'm looking forward to flying. I hope the weather is good all the way so I can see the land below. It is so amazing to see the landscape change. Flying over England in November and seeing the mozaic below and then the clean straight lines in Holland, it was so cool. Tomorrow will be trees and lakes and rivers then the patchwork of the prairies. I love to see from ABOVE --very cool!!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Home from work today

Sunday and Monday I slept most of the day. I have a bit of a fever as I wake up soaking wet but it feels real good to have a down day. I've been listening to cd's and sleeping between. 3 more sleeps till I leave!! Think I'll find a walk-in tomorrow and see if there is an infection somewhere. Goodnight.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Not this week!

I need more energy. I've been running on near empty all week. My car's tank is full, it is ME that is feeling empty. I think I need some Grandbaby hugs or friendly phone calls. I've been trying to not over-do energy expending in the job that I am doing ---taking back overtime right away etc, but this week has been difficult. Nothing horrid has happened, I just need refueling. Last weekend I listened to inspiring cds and went to an AGLOW banquet and church and even had lunch with good friends but I'm still having a blah week. Only two more work days and it is over. Next Thursday I fly south for a week YAHOO. I DO like it here-- it's just a down week.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Flat Brooke was a hit

'Real' Brooke phoned last night to tell me "flat Brooke" had arrived at her school. She shared "flat Brook's" Thompson story and then was allowed to take the booklet home. I told Brooke to make sure Auntie Cheryl saw the book as Subway was in the saga of "flat Brooke". Yesterday when I was at the chiropractors office, he had a book about Thompson that I could have used last week. I was using the internet and the phone book to get information and here there IS a ready made book that they sell at the museum. I don't think the museum is open in the off season so maybe that wouldn't have worked. I've learned some info about this place so that was good.

Monday, March 13, 2006

I'm on a mission

(ie This is like flat Stanley who you may have seen on tv circling the world.) Brooke sent me a "flat Brooke" from her school. I am supposed to take "flat Brooke" around my town and show her class where I live. For this I bought a disposable camera but I am finding that most of the interesting things to visit here are VERY BIG and flat Brooke is VERY SMALL. It is difficult to get flat Brooke into the picture. There is the head frame for the mine, a HUGE statue of King Miner, a wolf painted on the side of a 10 story building ........ all of these things are too big to let little Flat Brooke be seen. Even the Welcome to Thompson signs are too big for our little Brooke to be seen on. So I must go out and see what can be seen with flat Brooke. This is my mission this week.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Alone but not lonely

This may seem strange to some of you, but this is the first time in my life that I have lived alone. I've lived with family, with friends, with my husband and kids, but never by myself. I am mostly enjoying the solitude. I DO get lonely on Sundays for my kids and grandkids but the week is filled with lots to keep me busy. It was nice to have Art here while I set up this place last weekend so he has a mental picture of where I am. I now have cable tv and internet service. Mostly I have spent 'alone time' listening to Shelley Hundley's class on The Myistical Communion of the Believer. (Thanks Nancy) Just getting my head (and heart) around her language in cutting through easy "believe-ism to COMMUNION requires listening over and over again. So far QUIET is good!!