old times
I just wrote a whole bunch of stuff and then it vanished *&^%&*#@. I wish I understood what I was doing. I'll try again.
Last night I met with a girl friend from grade one. (Think Pleasant Ville) We were discussing the fact that our realities were what our mothers' told us. Her mother told her that the neighbors who travelled their back road on Friday nights were alcoholics. My mother told me those same neighbors were communists-- so we were afraid of our alcoholic, communist neighbors!! It is funny now but then our perceptions were our reality.
We lived on farms.
We went to church on Sundays,
We had no tv.
We listened to radios sometimes
Got the Winnipeg Free Press once a week for farm news (in Alberta)
Times said "children should be seen and not heard"
Books in our house were a Bible story book, Bibles, encyclopedias (no kids books)
What our Mothers' told us was our "truth" Is the same true today or do kids have more input into their lives with tvs, play dates, earlier school, computers, libraries, etc. Are their realities broader than ours were?? I guess they still need their reality interpreted for them. Times have changed SOO much. Speaking of that -- I hope this doesn't disappear when I go to post it!!
Last night I met with a girl friend from grade one. (Think Pleasant Ville) We were discussing the fact that our realities were what our mothers' told us. Her mother told her that the neighbors who travelled their back road on Friday nights were alcoholics. My mother told me those same neighbors were communists-- so we were afraid of our alcoholic, communist neighbors!! It is funny now but then our perceptions were our reality.
We lived on farms.
We went to church on Sundays,
We had no tv.
We listened to radios sometimes
Got the Winnipeg Free Press once a week for farm news (in Alberta)
Times said "children should be seen and not heard"
Books in our house were a Bible story book, Bibles, encyclopedias (no kids books)
What our Mothers' told us was our "truth" Is the same true today or do kids have more input into their lives with tvs, play dates, earlier school, computers, libraries, etc. Are their realities broader than ours were?? I guess they still need their reality interpreted for them. Times have changed SOO much. Speaking of that -- I hope this doesn't disappear when I go to post it!!