Mama Bevy's Blog

Monday, August 30, 2004

house full

Yesterday there were about 40- 50 people in Mel and Sarah's house--left over relatives here for the wedding (like me). Today there are 6 of us, the rest have gone home. Mel has hidden himself away as he is "peopled out". Laena and I drove Lois to the airport this morning --heading back to Hong Kong. THE WEDDING was lovely but what a lot of work for two-four hours of celebration. PLEASE TELL ME IT WAS WORTH IT ALL --traditions kept, memories made, pictures for future reference, -- I'm not sure today. I watched Sarah store away all the decorations, and left over food. I've heard a few nieces say "I'm flying to an island--come if you want". I Think I recall that one from my own family too!!

BC is lush and beautiful. There are berries hanging from every bush and fruit trees dropping fruit. I keep saying to the relatives "If Art were here he'd be in his glory berry picking"

Gail is blogging!! YEAH GAIL