Mama Bevy's Blog

Sunday, January 30, 2005


I was thinking today about what makes a neutral (not right or wrong) behavior acceptable or unacceptable. There are of course cultural norms that we follow. We know that cultural norms change under different circumstances. An example of this would be that we sing in the shower or along with the radio in our cars, but probably don't sing on the city bus or at a restaurant (unless there is karaoke there). Are these cultural standards to be followed by all? Is it ok for a five year old to sing on a city bus? A 10 year old? A 15 year old? When does it become wrong to do something? When an ADULT is uncomfortable with the behavior? As a parent or adult in a kids life, do I squelsh a natural or normal or neutral behavior for the sake of the greater good of society? That sounds ok but in the long run society doesn't rule us. My priority would be to teach respect for oneself. Then to love my neighbor as I love myself. Turning this priority in any other direction becomes manipulation for the sake of "how it looks". I don't like being ruled by that either. So I will set my priorities and pray that I can live by them so that LIFE and LOVE and LIGHT will reign over me and those I love.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Saying goodbye

I was at a going away gig tonight. I HATE saying goodbye. Last year I took a journaling course and I wanted to skip the final week as I was sure there would be something about ending the course. I'm not sure why I hate the process of saying goodbye. We always say we'll keep in touch and I REALLY am good at keeping up with old friends, but there is something lost when we've lived in close proximity to someone that distance changes. I would rather run from the final goodbye than face them. Call me a coward but that's who I am. I experienced lots of goodbyes with kids that I cared a LOT for at the group home where I worked. Also throughout my life making moves. So to anyone that I run from rather than say goodbye it's not because I don't CARE but that I hate goodbyes.

Friday, January 28, 2005

Mixing animal and human dna

I was listening to CBC radio this morning about the making of "spare parts" for fixing people when they are ill by making what is needed by mixing animal and human dna. So far here, they have made pigs with human blood so the pig parts used won't be rejected by the human body. A U of Manitoba proffessor admitted that this could lead to ethical issues. China has been doing experiments in this area and we all KNOW their record on Human Rights. Anyway to me this sounds like a some sci-fi making of "drones" that do the will of man- kind. PLEASE NO MORE CHANGE (see previous blog)

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Sick of change

I told my kids yesterday that I was going to blog about change. I AM SICK OF IT!! Let's start with the phone systems. We used to have one phone company and MUCH SMALLER phone bills. I thought competition was supposed to lower prices not make them SKY ROCKET!! Then there is all the technology around VHS, DVD,and DVR machines. I need help programing ANY of them and if something (heaven forbid) should get messed up on one of the machines or the remotes that run them, I have NO IDEA how to fix them. I HAVE adjusted to the CD's from tapes (and even like them) so now they throw in MP3's to mess up THESE systems. We won't even go into the frustrations of things that can go wrong with computers!! I discussed these DEEP frustrations (in very colorful language), with my youngest son. I told him that when I was a young adult change came slow enough that we could keep I am in a very frustrating position of feeling like a COMPLETE IDIOT most of the time. I've never considered myself an idiot before and I DON'T like the feeling. He said that I must change my views on storing information. We(my generation) knew things in our heads and his generation knows that everything is on line and can be accessed and then forgotten until needed again. His generation KNOWS there is too much information, in every field, all the time, to try to retain it all so you just ACCESS what you need. I DO GET what he is saying, but even THIS HELPFUL information means CHANGE for me ....AAAAAAAAAAUGH!!!!! I think I'll go listen to a CD without a remote control.... I CAN, after all push PLAY!!!

Birthday Adventure

I had a very adventurous day yesterday planned by my kids. In the morning I was taken out for brunch by two little munchkin grandbabies and their mother. From there I was dropped off at a spa for some pampering. A friend picked me up for coffee and a chat. Then I was taken out for supper by two more of my kids. YUMMY. From supper we drove to my other sons house where the whole family had gathered for a delicious birthday cake made by my daughter-in-law. I saw all five grandbabies there and was given some beautiful hand made cards. Then my daughter-in-law and I went to see a movie. I love spending time with the kids one-to-one or two-to one. They all talk more seriously when not in a group. This made the time even more special. Oh yes, I got happy birthday sung to me THREE times. All in all another great birthday. (And yes Gail, I DID order off the 55 plus menu-so there!!)

Sunday, January 23, 2005


I was inspired today by Erica's blog on mothers. My own Mother was "farmed out" at age 7-12 to a neighbor who needed someone to watch the cows. This affected her outlook on life as can be imagined. Her father was an alcoholic who was scary when drunk. There was abuse in her history. Mom heard about Jesus when she came to Canada (at age 16) with 2 siblings. I was born when she was 40 and until I heard her story, I didn't know she wasn't raised as a Christian. Mom definitely had some problems but she embraced God's love and care for her. This was the catalyst that sent me searching out God in my own life. It is amazing to me to know that ONE persons' decision to find God for themselves can affect a whole lineage for generations to come. She loved God and continued to learn of HIM all her life never resting on yesterdays teachings. She recognized the Holy Spirit even in different worship styles than she was used to. She was not a warm fuzzy type person but she knew Her God and spoke honestly (truthfully) to everyone in her company. She had a good sense of humor which I miss very much. She was a seeker of truth. It's good to remember these things.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

God is still Good

My experiences this week have gone from far away problems to in your face problems. My car is broken and Cheryl needs it for a couple weeks for a job situation. All attempts at getting it fixed have backfired. Our condo repair situation has us asking for money that we must have but have lots of questions about whether we are investing in a money pit. I heard a person talking about the good points of being at the red sea with Pharoughs army breathing down your neck. Either GOD opens a path or you perish. NOTHING you have up your sleeve can fix this mess.
SO as I said last week with the WORLD class problems, I say again in these small but continuing crisis...Bless the Lord OH my soul, LET all that is within me bless HIS HOLY NAME.... He is still GOD and HE is still GOOD!! HE IS ON HIS THRONE.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

I heard once.

Years ago,when we lived in Thompson, a minister from a Nazarene church performed a poem or reading from an old Black Gospel story of creation. It was beautiful and all I can remember is a few thoughts from it. (excuse me if you know the REAL poem as it should be told). It said that God sat down one day and took a little mud and formed it into a ball and flung it out into space. He called the ball earth. Then he took a bit of His glory and set it in place to keep the ball warm and lit up. He called the light the sun. He sprinkled some dust from His robe all around the whole mixture to light up the sky. He called these bits of glory dust stars.... and the story continued. I LOVED the feeling of the BIGNESS of GOD and the littleness of us. I think this is a time again to remember the BIGNESS of GOD. Although we like to think we are in charge of our life and the world, we are but a speck, (an important speck to God) but a speck in the whole scheme of things. To know HE IS IN CHARGE of the big picture is comforting.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

January 2005

What a start to a new year. We find out an earth quake can knock the earth off it's Axis and cause the whole world to vibrate. God is still on His throne. A huge wave affects many many countries and they all need help from this side of the ocean. God still has character that can be trusted. Mud slides and floods keep us watching the news. God is still Good. Drugs that are to SAVE lives are taking lives. God is a just and faithful God. Cancer is attacking younger and younger people. God is who He says HE is. Do circumstances make God a liar?? Can we explain all we can't but GOD is GOD!! GOD'S CHARACTER which never changes is GOOD. Rain falls on the just and unjust and God can still be trusted. We bow down and say "Bless the Lord oh my soul, Bless the LORD!!