I am a reflector not an actor (personality wise) so I have to think and feel for a while before I respond but now I am on to "tolerance". I won't repeat the good stuff that has already been said (see Cindy and Judi blogs) but intolerance isn't good either (remember that I was alive in Pleasantville times). Intolerance says everyone must fit into the community standard or else they will be marginalized (is that a word--anyway it describes what I want to say). The robotic beginning to Pleasantville was a kind of reality. People that "put on a good face" and pretended to do all the "right stuff" were acceptable. It wasn't until the Sixties that people started to ask "Who decides what IS the "right stuff" ?"--and further-- "What IS the right stuff?" Now I realize that we have gone so far from this that now there are FEW (if any) absolutes in society, but between then and now, I'd still choose NOW. There's room for individuals to think their own thought and be different without a whole room full of people falling off their chairs. Tolerance says "You don't have to accept my way of thinking but you DO have to listen to me". (Love says listen with your heart not just your mind). I DO NOT WANT TO BE TOLERATED EITHER but intolerance is a worse senario for me. I don't want to go back there.