Mama Bevy's Blog

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Before there was television, DVDs, Videos, radios, eight tracks, cassettes, and Cds; When runners and minstrels delivered the news; When no one (at the moment) was conquerring your world or you theirs; When you walked or drove a horse and buggy to interact with neighbors; What did PEACE look like THEN? Were these people living with heart peace?
We use the term PEACE and Quiet. Is there peace when all is quiet? Are tranquil (non-hostile) moments what we are looking for to have peace. I know I can be sitting in a quiet atmosphere--even by mself in the dark, and still be agitated.
Is peace an internal or external condition or both??
Is peace -- harmony in relationships? When we agree to disagree with someone, is there now PEACE between us??
Back to my verses "Don't LET your heart be troubled", "My PEACE I give (bequeath) to you" If peace depends on perfect external conditions, there isn't much of it in this world. If peace is an internal condition even in a chaotic world, let me in on how to LIVE in THIS PRESENCE!!
More questions than answers!! Peace be with you today.
Peace be with you today!