Still here John
I've just got to get someone to see how strange this conversation seems to me. I've decided to write it as a screen play(like for Sean Hogan and some of His friends)....I'm not trying to translate---just write new dialogue from the book. Ya ya I know the book IS dialogue--grant me some slack here.
Jesus: "Hey dudes, don't stress out. You trust in God right? Well you can count on me as much as Him. My Dad's got this HUGE place. I'm gunna go and get a real SWEET place ready so you can stay there with us. You know where it's at you can get there??"
Dudes:" What you talkin' about. We have NO IDEA where you're off to, so how could we POSSIBLY know how to get there!!"
Jesus: "I'm your ticket there. Nobody gets into Dad's place unless I OK it. Have we hung out together this long and you still don't get it?? If you know ME you'll totally "get" my Dad. Lookin' at Me is like lookin' at Him."
Dudes: " So let's see His picture and we'll get off your back."
Jesus: "Man guys...Don't you get it YET!! It's been 3 long years!! If you've seen me, you've seen my DAD. We are about the same stuff, so... I do what ever He tells me to do and HE makes it happen!! If you can't get your head around this, at LEAST be convinced cause of the stuff you've seen ME do!! By the way if we KEEP hanging out... I swear you'll be able to do the same stuff I do and more!!!"
Dudes: (mouths hanging open) Whaaaa????
More of scene one tomorrow....
Jesus: "Hey dudes, don't stress out. You trust in God right? Well you can count on me as much as Him. My Dad's got this HUGE place. I'm gunna go and get a real SWEET place ready so you can stay there with us. You know where it's at you can get there??"
Dudes:" What you talkin' about. We have NO IDEA where you're off to, so how could we POSSIBLY know how to get there!!"
Jesus: "I'm your ticket there. Nobody gets into Dad's place unless I OK it. Have we hung out together this long and you still don't get it?? If you know ME you'll totally "get" my Dad. Lookin' at Me is like lookin' at Him."
Dudes: " So let's see His picture and we'll get off your back."
Jesus: "Man guys...Don't you get it YET!! It's been 3 long years!! If you've seen me, you've seen my DAD. We are about the same stuff, so... I do what ever He tells me to do and HE makes it happen!! If you can't get your head around this, at LEAST be convinced cause of the stuff you've seen ME do!! By the way if we KEEP hanging out... I swear you'll be able to do the same stuff I do and more!!!"
Dudes: (mouths hanging open) Whaaaa????
More of scene one tomorrow....