Mama Bevy's Blog

Saturday, April 30, 2005

grown up get togethers

I LOVE having grown kids. Getting together at THEIR place is so nice. The cousins enjoy each other's company. Age is a factor and it is good to have a baby cousin for all attention to flow toward. If there is a moment of disagreement, the parents hop right in to fix it. We grandparents can just enjoy all ages of kids and adults and not be responsible. The grown-up parents enjoy seeing each other and laughter flows easily (enjoying the same type of humor). No pressure, no expectations, just pure enjoyment. Food is always plentiful, yummy, and diverse. The clean up chores go quickly and any left over mess is NOT at my house. These are the best of times!!!

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Saturday slow down day

This has been a very busy week. It is one of those Saturday mornings when you wake up and say, "Why am I so exhausted?" Then take a few minutes to reflect on the past week and say, "YES I should be tired-- this was a busy week". Why do these things sneak up on us. Guess it is like the frog in the boiling pot heating up a little at a time.

Today I love the internet as I can get so much done from my computer with my p.j.s on. Years ago I could not have imagined paying my bills from a small box in my house. Neither could I imagine having a chat with my sister in Lithwania or my sister-in-law in Japan or being on line with a brother-in-law in Vancouver without paying long distance charges. Today I love my computer. I MUST remember that the next time I can't figure out why the #$@%&% thing doesn't work.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


My friend Gail wrote about "lurking"-reading blogs but not commenting. She didn't approve of lurkers. Today I am a lurker. I want to find out what has been going on in other peoples' world but I haven't got the imagination or unction to say anything wise or witty or humorous. I guess I could say "Hi, I just read your blog" but that is extremely boring so I choose to "lurk". Isn't half our life a lurking experience. If we sit in a restaurant or on a bus and overhear a conversation, we don't walk up to people and say, "You made a good point there while you were talking to your friend and I just wanted to say that I admire your wit and wisdom." No, we are silent lurkers. Tomorrow I may choose to comment on your blogs, but for today I'm that silent lurker. Are you miffed Gail????? ARE YOU!!!

Friday, April 08, 2005

Conference time at IHOP

Watching all the hussel and bussel around here yesterday as the preparation and beginning of a conference happened, makes me glad I belong to a small church. Joyska had her little munchkins around her feet. Today I believe she has bigger kids. The shuttles are running back and forth between IHOP and the old Metro (now FSM - forrunner school of ministry). While I was riding on a shuttle, a young intern said he was working EVERY service as a buddy of his signed his name on every slot in the work sheet!! How funny. He wasn't upset by it--just laughed. Reminds me of Dwight's story of putting quick tan on a friend in his sleep at Bible School. Then you have to look over your shoulder for the revenge plot. Life long memorable things. I'm having weird and different dreams here --- don't know why.

Conference time at IHOP

Watching all the hussel and bussel around here yesterday as the preparation and beginning of a conference happened, makes me glad I belong to a small church. Joyska had her little munchkins around her feet. Today I believe she has bigger kids. The shuttles are running back and forth between IHOP and the old Metro (now FSM - forrunner school of ministry). While I was riding on a shuttle, a young intern said he was working EVERY service as a buddy of his signed his name on every slot in the work sheet!! How funny. He wasn't upset by it--just laughed. Reminds me of Dwight's story of putting quick tan on a friend in his sleep at Bible School. Then you have to look over your shoulder for the revenge plot. Life long memorable things. I'm having weird and different dreams here --- don't know why.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

shorts in Kansas

It was 81 degrees here yesterday. I have Manitoba clothes with me and I had to borrow some shorts from Joyska so that I wouldn't melt!! We went to the prayer room in the evening and I asked God lots of questions and got some ( a few) answers. We all sat around and talked for a while and someone said, "It's twenty to one". Hey I'm not a teenager and that is LATE in my books. Time does fly when one is enjoying oneself. Today is day 2 of the Bride Groom fast so there is lots of activity in the prayer room. Joyska has her lap top in there so she can MSN from there and tell all the Winnipeggers the great things God is speaking here. The worship is amazing!! There is a conference here this weekend and I'm still not sure if I want to go or just sit in the prayer room. I have to decide soon. That is all from here for today.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Kansas AGAIN

I talked to Erica this morning and she said Rebecca asked where Grandma mama was (that is me). Erica said in Kansas City to which Rebecca replied --AGAIN!! Yes Rebecca again!! Usually I am so happy to be in the prayer room here, but THIS TIME it is the green grass and flowering trees and budding leaves that are speaking to me. I told Joyska and Pam yesterday that I am sensory deprived and I MEANT IT. It seems white is all I"ve seen for SO LONG that colors actually is speaking to my SPIRIT. Of course the Presence of God is all over this place also which is wonderful. Joyska and Pam have been kind to us as there was a slight glitch in Nancy's apartment hunting plans but it is all working out fine. Nancy is going to be in the next building to Joyska and the pool is behind both their houses. All is well