Kansas AGAIN
I talked to Erica this morning and she said Rebecca asked where Grandma mama was (that is me). Erica said in Kansas City to which Rebecca replied --AGAIN!! Yes Rebecca again!! Usually I am so happy to be in the prayer room here, but THIS TIME it is the green grass and flowering trees and budding leaves that are speaking to me. I told Joyska and Pam yesterday that I am sensory deprived and I MEANT IT. It seems white is all I"ve seen for SO LONG that colors actually is speaking to my SPIRIT. Of course the Presence of God is all over this place also which is wonderful. Joyska and Pam have been kind to us as there was a slight glitch in Nancy's apartment hunting plans but it is all working out fine. Nancy is going to be in the next building to Joyska and the pool is behind both their houses. All is well