I was thinking today about what makes a neutral (not right or wrong) behavior acceptable or unacceptable. There are of course cultural norms that we follow. We know that cultural norms change under different circumstances. An example of this would be that we sing in the shower or along with the radio in our cars, but probably don't sing on the city bus or at a restaurant (unless there is karaoke there). Are these cultural standards to be followed by all? Is it ok for a five year old to sing on a city bus? A 10 year old? A 15 year old? When does it become wrong to do something? When an ADULT is uncomfortable with the behavior? As a parent or adult in a kids life, do I squelsh a natural or normal or neutral behavior for the sake of the greater good of society? That sounds ok but in the long run society doesn't rule us. My priority would be to teach respect for oneself. Then to love my neighbor as I love myself. Turning this priority in any other direction becomes manipulation for the sake of "how it looks". I don't like being ruled by that either. So I will set my priorities and pray that I can live by them so that LIFE and LOVE and LIGHT will reign over me and those I love.