Why oh Why
My sister asked me today...I think along with someone else ... What started me writing the memoies from the past. Really it was the visit to the city at Christmas and a visit to some big box stores. What is the purpose of all the "STUFF"?? How can we think we need so much stuff? This took me back to simpler times when everything we did was so basic and yet we had it easier than our parents as we had a ringer washing machine and they did the wash on a scrub board. We had tractors, they used horses. We went to church in a car. The generation before in sleighs or wagons. How many under 30's would survive without electricity or fuel oil. I know some have done enough camping to have a clue about food and shelter and basic existance, but what if you had to live for a year or two without conveniences like running water, electric heat, an electric stove and fridge? When we can think we are deprived because we don't have a 54 inch tv with all the gadgets that go with it, I think it is time to get grounded again in our past. We kept busy, maybe too busy, but we got into very little trouble.