Mama Bevy's Blog

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Reality#3 Washday

Reality #3 Washday
Water was carried in from the "Well House" and poured into the "ringer washer" When a pig was butchered, Mom made lye soap. This soap was made with hot fat and lye. (My sister said the recipe can still be found on the net.) Once the soap was made it was poured into wooden boxes until it hardened. Then it was cut up into shapes like a bar of soap. The wash water was heated the same as bath water, on or in the kitchen wood stove. Lye Soap was added. Clothes were separated and washed in the ringer washer then run through the ringer, rinsed in the wash tub and run through the ringer; then hung on the clothes lines. On a summer windy day this was a quick drying process. If it was a winter day the clothes 'freeze dried' and were brought inside frozen. I remember we could stand up a pair of long underwear in the corner until it thawed out. Clothes were hung around inside until they dried. Sheets, towels, clothes for 5 kids and two adults took the day to finish so it was a FULL day before every thing was folded and put away.