Mama Bevy's Blog

Friday, February 02, 2007

Grandma mama to the rescue

Erica's kids (4 and5) have always called me Grandma mama because they've had 3 Grandma's to content with.
Erica told me about a conversation between her kids and herself. This is sort of how it went:

Rebecca to Bella "Did you know that not every family has a mom and a dad .... some have only a mom or only a dad"
Bella "Really?? Mom will that happen to us?" Erica reassured Bella that she will have a mom and a dad.
Bella, paused, thinking, speaks emphatically "What would happen if some didn't have a mom OR a dad?"
Rebecca: "Oh that's all right Bella, THOSE kids Grandma mama looks after!!"
Apparently THEIR world is a safer place for I look after all it's orphans.