The older I get the less I like the coming of snow. Walking and driving are more difficult. I'm more cautious going in and out of the house as stairs and driveways are slippery. The only way that I can appreciate the new snowfall is to see it through the eyes of a child. Children welcome the soft white fluff with shining welcoming eyes. I see them eating the white cold chunks like it is their favorite ice cream. They lay in the snow making angels with huge wings. With sticky, cold mittens they roll snow balls into large round bodies of snowmen. All this is done with rosy-red cheeks and cold fingers and toes. Eyes flash and eyelashes get thick with frost. Smiles are permanently etched into their faces. So instead of hearing myself say, "On no, it is snowing", I'll choose to hang out with some little people who cheerfully yell, "OH LOOK, it's snowing, YEAH!!" This makes winter a little more bearable.