Mama Bevy's Blog

Tuesday, November 09, 2004


So far November has been a difficult month. My body aches so much I just want to cry. I'm getting up in the morning and forcing myself to get out of the house and walk as I don't even want to move as moving is painful. I'm not cowardly but I don't LIKE PAIN.
I believe that we are in a time of walking in obedience and doing the RIGHT thing even when it is difficult. I've been telling one of the grandbabies to be nice to her sister and she replies, " I don't want to be nice." I tell her that she still needs to be nice even when she doesn't want to BECAUSE IT IS THE RIGHT THING. Doing the "right thing"sometimes sucks and is painful but the fruit of it is still good. I like words like "pleasant", "easy", "natural", but sometimes what is the right thing goes "against the grain" of our nature and is just plain difficult and unpleasant. I know that as we do the right thing that it becomes natural and ok and that keeps me going.