Mama Bevy's Blog

Sunday, September 26, 2004


Anyone reading this post the27th, 28th,29th Please pray for me as I'm teaching 3 days of child care. I've been in a different "head space" all summer and now going back to thinking and breathing child care is difficult. I'm reading the material but NOT getting into the material (even though it is good stuff). For me, this is not a job that you can DO. It is a mantle that you carry. Today it feels like it is gone---tomorrow I teach---I'll see if God will put it on again. I CAN NOT do this without an anointing. Each lesson would be just words on a page and not tranference of compassion and love for families in need. I SO depend on God to make the material LIVE and BREATHE His Nature.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Back to blogging!! DJ fixed my computer. (YEAH DJ) -----
This has been a week of mixed emotions.
I am STILL cleaning and moving stuff. That feels good.
Nancy left for Ontario and that feels sad for me --good for her-- as it is a new beginning.
Gail is in the country--she seems far away--sad for me --good for her-- another beginning.
I am teaching child care next week so that causes some stress -stress can be good--right
Fall is surely here --golden leaves on the ground--this is sad.
Family had a "last hurrah to summer" BBQ -nice to be together but a sad occation (fall)
Grandkids were all there together-- this is good.
Art's arm is almost always sore. sad
Erica's new job consultation went well--this is good
Cheryl is still waiting to hear about from a job interview--stressful
Floyd is checking on why his ankle keeps turning and swelling--hurtful
Dwight and Sian are set to go to South Africa in Dec.-Amtrack to Chicago then fly-- happy
My sister-in-law is trying to get me a free trip to Hong Kong (slim chance) but oh so cool
Our church vision night--????? raised lots of questions for me.
That's my week!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2004


I've been re-arranging the house for winter. It is amazing how much junk one can accumulate in half a year. I DID do a change of furniture and cleaning job in the spring, but in a short six months we've got MOUNDS of stuff to throw out. Now you have to understand that I have no little kids who have outgrown their toys and clothes. There have been only 3 adults here but still I am wading through junk. Does it multiply in corners? Is there a junk burglar who LEAVES stuff instead of stealing it? I'm really puzzled over this problem. You know how the centre of your room looks when you've pulled out everything to clean---well my kitchen is almost impassable. I have been tackling all three floors of our home at once, as I am also moving complete rooms around. Our youngest son is leaving once again.-(how many times does this happen). Anyway my back is sore and I'm only half done. Got to go tackle another corner--Hope the junk monster hasn't attacked while I was gone.

Saturday, September 11, 2004


We were having a discussion in our family about a child's sense of destiny. A friend suggested that it was a father who instilled in a child their sense of personal destiny. I could see where that was true for a couple of my brothers. Erica (my daughter) asked me, "So what did He (my dad) instill in you?"
That set me to thinking---and that was part of the answer to her question----
1. to think, to think philosophically, to think globally or at lease well beyond the borders of the small community in which I was raised.
2. to have a Social conscience, a Cultural and a Political awareness. To see the world around me and the world at large.
3. to see the beauty, and wonder of creation and the wonder of what man has invented or been able to accomplish.
4. to wonder, to ponder ideas and thoughts, to think outside the box, not to fear different ideas but measure them carefully with wisdom.
5. to love music, harmony and appreciation of musical skill.
My father was a farmer but it wasn't his practical skills that I picked up, but the ideas and ideals of THE MAN who lived in overalls and rubber boots.
It is easy to figure out if your father encouraged you to be a farmer or carpenter or teacher. Those are recognizable titles. I have no idea what I am (title unknown) as I have done many different jobs in my life. I DO know that my father has greatly influenced what I have become. The older I get the more I like his influence on my life and THIS IS A GOOD THING!!

Thursday, September 09, 2004


I'm back. I really loved BC and California and even enjoyed the quick trip to Mexico. The weddings were beautiful but very different. One bride was 22 and the other 34 so that accounts for some of the differences. Each refected the values of the families. It was nice to be with family. I got to experience some SUMMER weather elsewhere. It was 90- 100 degrees F in California and Cheryl spent time rolling in the tides of the ocean. I spent time in the pool outside. The scenery was so-o-o beautiful but the experience of the sights, smells, and warmth can not be captured to bring home. Our balcony door was open day and night without a screen--NO BUGS!! WARMTH!!
It is so funny to see the "one window" thing in both BC and California. Here we have double windows and still have frost build up on the inside of our house. I heard upon my return that it had snowed in Alberta--a good "welcome home" for my Alberta family.