Mama Bevy's Blog

Monday, October 30, 2006

Another life time

Coming down here is like entering another life time. Reality is so different. I love to see everyone and I love the city busy-ness, but something has fallen off me as far as the concerns of the city. I hear the call of the north in my spirit. I have no connections in the natural (build a kingdom world). I don't even want to be connected unless God insists. I want to talk to God there --- about there. Things I know most of the time:
  • Systems often serve their own best interest much of the time
  • I can influence kids and parents but can't change them
  • I can role model a kinder gentler life syle
  • I can act with integrity
  • Honesty pays off
  • God runs after and draws people t0 Himself.
  • My best response to this is to stay out of His way
  • I get to walk beside those He calls to HIMSELF!
  • I like the simple life style of the north much of the time

I don't know how long this will be for but right now there is a call to the north

Please pray for me proffetic people, church people ,AND family. I want to hear this correctly!

Replies welcome Especially from Brian (the brains) group but all replies welcome


Monday, October 23, 2006

I'm going to the city

I'm on my way to the city Thursday. What do I want to do while I'm out? I want to see the lights of the city. I want to drive in traffic where people use signal lights. I want to go to the movies and eat fresh popcorn. I want to talk on a land line phone from a house. I want to walk in a big mall and eat wings at Moxies. Yeah a few more sleeps and I'll see ya!

Monday, October 16, 2006


How come one child is passive while another child is aggressive? I watched one little dominator at work two weekends ago. He took on those twice his size and sent them scurrying to the safety of their mommy's arms. I think that one day he will dominate a basketball court or soccer field ,( or possibly a small country). He is being raised exactly the same as his siblings who aren't so aggressive but is showing his own little personality. "NO FEAR" should be his trademark T-shirt. His aggression needs to have an alternate focus but it could serve him well in life. His power needs to be harnessed but not broken. Isn't is wonderful that we are so uniquely made. Lead on little man, lead on.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Nothing as exciting

My friend Rebecca is a Grandmother!! My older sister and brother just became Grandparents this year. I don't think there is any other thing that happens to us as older people as exciting as this experience. Anything else pales in comparison to seeing that new little life come into the world. It seems to complete the circle of life. I was excited when my own kids were born but I think I was too young to understand the magnificence and complexity of the human spirit. I learned as I parented how beautiful and unique each child was. The gift of being able to discover the wonders of a little person is now amazing to me. What makes them smile or laugh? What makes them cry? All things to discover along the way. What are their gifts and abilities? What are their burdens? A new life full of potential and wonder. Exciting isn't it?

Friday, October 13, 2006

Other side of the family

We had a great time at Thanksgiving visiting the Burdick clan. Out to Saskatchewan we all went and fifteen grandbabies all met and played. Amazingly this went VERY WELL considering these kids didn't know each other and were ranging in age from 12 to only months old. All of my siblings showed up even if it was only for a short while. The middle generation played lots of games like the "Bean game", "90's Trivial Pursuit" "Texas Hold'em" and some take over the world game like "Risk" that I can't remember the name of. Erica commented on the subdued nature of the Burdick clan as compared to the fast paced Buhler Clan. Both are great just different. Jean took us on a tour of her "Curves" shop. Very impressive! Dawn , Art and I did our best to "save the planet" on Sunday. (Only Value Village people understand this). Auntie Eleanor's home made jean skirts were a big hit. I'm sure the Don Burdick work crew spent a few days cleaning up the mess we all made as it rained and kept all 40 of us indoors most of the weekend. It was wonderful to all be TOGETHER!!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Is it winter yet??

The weather in the north definately affects how I feel. When we have a cool morning in October the south, we know it will warm up again. Yesterday I was scraping frost off my car window and I thought, well this is it -- six months of cold weather. In case you think this is just MY PERSONAL thinking, the pastor said on Sunday, "It's October first and we haven't seen snow, Praise the Lord!!"

I've had to put away my sandals and resort to socks and shoes. Yuck!! Then there is the ever boring winter jacket or jackets. Even if you have 3 or 4 by spring it is "same old - same old thing" You may as well have pj's on under it for no one EVER sees anything but your ratty old jacket ALL winter. I moved up here in January and survived so I know I'll make it again but it is so sad to see the warm weather leave us.