Mama Bevy's Blog

Monday, October 30, 2006

Another life time

Coming down here is like entering another life time. Reality is so different. I love to see everyone and I love the city busy-ness, but something has fallen off me as far as the concerns of the city. I hear the call of the north in my spirit. I have no connections in the natural (build a kingdom world). I don't even want to be connected unless God insists. I want to talk to God there --- about there. Things I know most of the time:
  • Systems often serve their own best interest much of the time
  • I can influence kids and parents but can't change them
  • I can role model a kinder gentler life syle
  • I can act with integrity
  • Honesty pays off
  • God runs after and draws people t0 Himself.
  • My best response to this is to stay out of His way
  • I get to walk beside those He calls to HIMSELF!
  • I like the simple life style of the north much of the time

I don't know how long this will be for but right now there is a call to the north

Please pray for me proffetic people, church people ,AND family. I want to hear this correctly!

Replies welcome Especially from Brian (the brains) group but all replies welcome
