The Word became Flesh
I had a dream the other night of a high school friend of Erica's and her Mom. In my dream we went to their house in a blizzard and as soon as we arrived the snow stopped and melted and we spent some time visiting with them. (It was really nice to visit them in my dream). When I was waking up I "heard" the phrase " and the Word became flesh". I've heard it said before that we are the "Book" that people "read" to see the reallity of God. But the Word becoming flesh I've always attributed only to Jesus. I know HE is the Word but might we be little phrases that help people see what He is like??
Along with these thoughts, I was listening to a CD and the person speaking talked about the Old Testament Deuteronomy (rules and laws0 as the "CULTURE of HEAVEN". This intreged me because I know how culture affects every part of our life process. Most misunderstandings are culturally based. I don't know if that is the culture of heaven but it is interesting to think of heaven as HAVING a culture. If heaven has a culture what would it be like?? (Ponder ponder)
Along with these thoughts, I was listening to a CD and the person speaking talked about the Old Testament Deuteronomy (rules and laws0 as the "CULTURE of HEAVEN". This intreged me because I know how culture affects every part of our life process. Most misunderstandings are culturally based. I don't know if that is the culture of heaven but it is interesting to think of heaven as HAVING a culture. If heaven has a culture what would it be like?? (Ponder ponder)