Mama Bevy's Blog

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Happy Birthday Cheryl

Well I'm back in the place where you were born Cheryl. When you were born it was a wonderful time for your Dad and I. We were both full of energy and did lots of things. We dragged you to the gym and you slept on our jackets while we played volleyball and basketball. When you could walk, you played with Ted and Marilyn Reddicops (?) 2 oldest kids.
Our Youth Group fought over who got to hold you. You were handed off from kid to kid until they all had their Cheryl fix. They were some amazing youth that turned into respectable caring adults.
Our church had "fire" on it then through the Sask revival. That made for a happy group of young parents seeing God at work. So these are you roots before you grew wings and flew off on your own into far off places. Have fun on your trip

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Name that tune

This morning the words to a hymn were going through my head as I awakened:
"Coming to claim His chosen Bride, All the redeemed and purified, Over the whole earth scattered wide ----------------- Glory glory , joy to my heart t'will bring, Glory Glory when we shall crown Him King, Glory glory hast to prepare the way, Glory glory Jesus will come someday. ( I left out ther beginning and the part of the song that is the title).

I don't know the last time I sang this song!! I left out the title to see if the youngsters like Cheryl, Erica, Sian, Sean, Erin, Yvonne, Jason know it. I know Floyd is too young to have heard it as a child in a 'straight' church. It IS a beautiful song with a wonderful sentiment.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Walking on pathways

I have been thinking of the First Commandment. Love the Lord your God with ALL YOUR MIND...... (deep thought, disposition, exercising imagination, understanding)

After all the information on how the human mind works (developing neural pathways through use), I've been thinking how MY generation was duped. I remember many of the "enlightened" people saying "Oh I'm not going to force religion on my kids; I'll let them grow up and choose for themselves"

So if we walk over and over and over on a 'brain pathway' and that pathway becomes deeper and stronger and faster and more natural to use (even to the point of being subconscious) ...... how much more difficult would it be for an adult who has NEVER been introduced to an idea or concept to BEGIN developing a new pathway at, let's say, 35.

So training up a child in the way that child should go and when they are old they will not depart from it, has the power of neural pathways behind it beside "THE OTHER" power.

Sunday, April 08, 2007


He is risen!!! HE IS RISEN INDEED!!

Friday, April 06, 2007

Going Low

I woke up with the words of the song "Low in the Grave He Lay" in my head. It is Good Friday but I haven't heard this song yet this Easter Season. Then my thoughts were skipping to other people who knew the value of going low. John the Baptist's " He must increase and I must decrease" got him called great by Jesus. I've been reading Daniel since Rebecca said that this is the book for this hour. The humility and reverence in the Book of Daniel is coming through LOUD AND CLEAR! I think we need to forget the heady stuff for a while and ask God how to go low! As I've been praying this, I'm once again amazed at how many places in my own life that I've never understood this. God is SO FULL of Amazing Grace for my ignorance.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Yum Yummy

I am so thrilled!! Nancy sent me a whole LOT of "spirit" food ---- A WHOLE book of CD's that I can listen to over and over again. I started with an old one that, I SWEAR, I could listen to for a year and still hear new things --"Confident in Love". After listening to the "Life of David", I heard new things in "Confident in Love" that went right over my head before. This stuff is my meat and potatoes food!! Bless you Nanc!!