Walking on pathways
I have been thinking of the First Commandment. Love the Lord your God with ALL YOUR MIND...... (deep thought, disposition, exercising imagination, understanding)
After all the information on how the human mind works (developing neural pathways through use), I've been thinking how MY generation was duped. I remember many of the "enlightened" people saying "Oh I'm not going to force religion on my kids; I'll let them grow up and choose for themselves"
So if we walk over and over and over on a 'brain pathway' and that pathway becomes deeper and stronger and faster and more natural to use (even to the point of being subconscious) ...... how much more difficult would it be for an adult who has NEVER been introduced to an idea or concept to BEGIN developing a new pathway at, let's say, 35.
So training up a child in the way that child should go and when they are old they will not depart from it, has the power of neural pathways behind it beside "THE OTHER" power.
After all the information on how the human mind works (developing neural pathways through use), I've been thinking how MY generation was duped. I remember many of the "enlightened" people saying "Oh I'm not going to force religion on my kids; I'll let them grow up and choose for themselves"
So if we walk over and over and over on a 'brain pathway' and that pathway becomes deeper and stronger and faster and more natural to use (even to the point of being subconscious) ...... how much more difficult would it be for an adult who has NEVER been introduced to an idea or concept to BEGIN developing a new pathway at, let's say, 35.
So training up a child in the way that child should go and when they are old they will not depart from it, has the power of neural pathways behind it beside "THE OTHER" power.