Back to Thompson
Bbbbrrrr Baby it's COLD outside!! Snow drifts as tall as I am STILL!! Roads are covered with ice and snow, but it is still so good to sleep in my own bed last night. Art survived just fine without me and is happy as his bowlings scores were good last week. Good to be back at work and seeing friends! Think I'll recap last week:
- Thursday: arrived - went to Perkins with Bella, Becca and Erica
- went to Moxies with Cheryl
- Friday: worked at the Mound, had lunch at Red Lobster as going away for Steph
- did pot luck dinner with friends from past work- Garth, Dora, Donna, Nelly, Stacey at Dora's house.
- Saturday: went with Sian, Brooke, Conlan, Cael, and Zane for Breakfast at Smitty's, met a friend and neighbor from Thompson.
- went with Rebecca to Steinbach to her friends house, ate Chineese food for dinner
- Sunday: Slept till noon - had a birthday dinner for Sian -went to Grande Forks with Brooke, Conlan, Erica, Bella and Becca - Had ice cream for supper at Cold Stone YUM!
- Monday: Shopped in Grande Forks - Ate Mexican at Paradicimo (or something like that) came back to Canada.
- Tuesday: Got my hair cut and colored!!! Went shopping with Karen (who is also in The Peg) - ate lunch at Montana's. Went with Floyd and Page to Montana's for dinner.
- Wednesday: Went for Breakfast with Rebecca and Gaily-Poo where they serve Mennonite food! Went to Costco with Erica and Cheryl- ate hot dog with sour crout. Shopped with Cheryl and ate dinner at Moxies.
- Thursday: Flew home.
Wow!! Look how much fun and fellowhip contains a common demoninator--- FOOD!! It was a refreshing time. Nice to see everyone.