I've noticed lately that busy people are less likely to complain about what other people are doing wrong. We usually operate at, say, a 75% efficiency rate. which leaves 25% of what we do open for complaint. Even if we are GREAT at what we do, say 95% efficient, that still leaves 5% for someone to notice our defects. At 100% efficiency someone STILL wouldn't like the WAY we did what we did. Busy people generally have less time to examine others actions and motives to offer "helpful tips". Just like in sport, the spectators have all the answers as to the condition of the team. If we have so much time to spend seeing flaws in others, maybe we should just GET BUSY and do the job better.
Personally I don't mind people who are "down and dirty" slugging away with me trying to get a job done, offering "helpful hints". But if the advice is coming from the stands by a spectator, I will think about it a while and then generally toss it away ancd "chalk the advice up" to lack of experience.
Personally I don't mind people who are "down and dirty" slugging away with me trying to get a job done, offering "helpful hints". But if the advice is coming from the stands by a spectator, I will think about it a while and then generally toss it away ancd "chalk the advice up" to lack of experience.