Mama Bevy's Blog

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I've noticed lately that busy people are less likely to complain about what other people are doing wrong. We usually operate at, say, a 75% efficiency rate. which leaves 25% of what we do open for complaint. Even if we are GREAT at what we do, say 95% efficient, that still leaves 5% for someone to notice our defects. At 100% efficiency someone STILL wouldn't like the WAY we did what we did. Busy people generally have less time to examine others actions and motives to offer "helpful tips". Just like in sport, the spectators have all the answers as to the condition of the team. If we have so much time to spend seeing flaws in others, maybe we should just GET BUSY and do the job better.

Personally I don't mind people who are "down and dirty" slugging away with me trying to get a job done, offering "helpful hints". But if the advice is coming from the stands by a spectator, I will think about it a while and then generally toss it away ancd "chalk the advice up" to lack of experience.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

What a day!!

I started this morning in a worldwind of activity. Someone needed to place a sibling group and there was no place for them available. In true northern style we had an on the spot meeting ( no calendar --- scheduling --- etc). We came up with Plan A, B, and C. Then we modified all and voila, we had a placement. Flexibility is the KEY to finding solutions.

Next one of the workers that we work with on a regular basis was taken off life support after having a massive stroke. WOW --- this is dedicated caring young man in his 40's. What a shock!! Kind of a wake up call for us all up here as to the STRESS level that a body can handle.

We've had summer workers here that are on school breaks and our regular casual workers that have put in full time hours in the summer. We will NEVER get this caliber of worker until the wages are improved. There are good caring people out there who are doing other jobs because the pay in this profession sucks! I wish we could keep these young caring workers but they are off to school to get better pay!!

Well my day is done -- so I'm going home to veg ---maybe I better fo for a walk later!!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Week in Winnipeg

I had a REALLY fun time in Winnipeg. The Buhler clan was there all together so we did Folklorama and laughed ourselves silly. Watching Erica and Lara, and Floyd and Laena, was so nice ----- just like when they were 5 years old!!! Shauna (Mel's daughter) fit right in with the goofyness. After the 3rd day out, I was trying to figure out what the difference was with this group of people as opposed to other groups that I hang out with. I finally realized that NO ONE sensors ANYTHING that crosses our puny brains. Just think it and blurt is out!! I wouldn't recommend doing LIFE like this but it is fun to have people around that you can do this once in a while. Laughter is good like medicine and I enjoyed this "spoon full of sugar" that helps the tough thing in life seen easier.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Life together again

Art has been in Thompson for a month now. He has found some work that keeps him busy some of the time. I have been living in a bachelor suite since January BY MYSELF!! Now there are two of us sharing a very small space. Compared with this place, the condo was a HUGE rambling ranch house. We had separate spaces to watch TV or listen to music. So now it is football or CSI but neither of us can get away from the others choices. An example......yesterday Art went bowling and I had a nap while he was gone. He came back and Karen called to go for coffee. He had his nap while I was gone. Grabbing a few quiet minutes alone is now a treat. We are seeking out a larger place but for now it is ALL about SHARED SPACE!! It is nice to have him here but this is a little too much togetherness.