Right with God
Someone used the term "Right with God" last week. To me, this term no longer makes sense. For my whole life, God has been on the move in my own personal internal life changing my Stinkin' Thinkin', my attitudes and uprooting strongholds that I didn't even know were wrong! When God chooses to reveal this JUNK to me I certainly don't feel "Right with God". I feel like the skanky sinner I am. The only RIGHTEOUSNESS I know is what HE gives me. I have none of my own.
I might DO some acceptable things judging by this world's standard (or not) but this REALLY is not what makes me righteous. If my sins are nasty stuff like pride, arrogance, hatred, jealousy, and they fit just fine into my religious culture, then I'm "right with God"????? If my sins are addiction to drugs, and all that entails then I'm not "right with God"????? I think I saw somewhere that God sees our HEART. Last time I checked, Salvation was a free gift. Nothing I could do to earn it.
I might DO some acceptable things judging by this world's standard (or not) but this REALLY is not what makes me righteous. If my sins are nasty stuff like pride, arrogance, hatred, jealousy, and they fit just fine into my religious culture, then I'm "right with God"????? If my sins are addiction to drugs, and all that entails then I'm not "right with God"????? I think I saw somewhere that God sees our HEART. Last time I checked, Salvation was a free gift. Nothing I could do to earn it.