Mama Bevy's Blog

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Why not simplicity

Before I left for Winnipeg, everything here was caught up and I was "putting in time" as there was no new things to do. Now that I'm back here, it's been run run RUN as everything is happening at once. This was not the result of poor planning , but circumstances in time, space and need. I know everyone experiences bland days and hyper active responsive days. In my youth I rather enjoyed the odd crisis day. Crisis days leave you feeling like the hero or the villian depending on how they are handled. That's ok since MOST of the time you are the hero of your own life. At this time in life, I just prefer quiet serenity and peace. I know more of who I am and don't need a crisis to prove my strength. I CAN handle crisis. I just don't look forward to one. I want a simple life.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Today Erica turns 30. She was born in the hospital here in Thompson and was delivered by an elderly midwife with an English accent ( the easiest delivery of all the kids). Our doctor arrived shortly after she entered the world. I "saw" something on her from the first time I held her and said to her dad, "This one will shine!" AND SHE HAS!!

She is fun loving yet deep
She is gregarious yet quiet
She is brave yet afraid
She is soft yet tough
She is gentle yet strong
She is seen yet unseen

Wherever she goes, she spreads SONshine in the lives of those she touches. She is a blessing to those who take the time to see who she REALLY is. I love her dearlly and am proud to be her MOM!!

Friday, June 09, 2006


This last stretch has been tooo long away from family. I miss everyone very much. I don't know how my friends and familhy who are away from their kids have managed so well over the years. Even if ONE person was here it would be nice. I actually feel heart sick. I've heard of home sickness and thought it was just things people say but the last few days I miss everyone that much. I'm going south on Wednesday so I'll survive. 5 more sleeps.