Mama Bevy's Blog

Friday, September 23, 2005

blog Forest blog

Last night Cheryl left a message "Blog Mom Blog" This morning I thought of 'Forest Gump' when others said "run Forest run". There came a time when he was done running.
I feel like a BIG CHANGE is happening in the Spirit which will usher in a WHOLE LOT of Change around us. The natural signs are just an indication of what the REAL world that God orchestrates is putting in motion. Right now I have my head to the "WIND" only. I have nothing flippant, witty, funny or insightful to say. I want to "SEE" where we are headed. The "WIND" is moving fast. Hang on to your seat belts!! God is always GOOD!!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Funny thing "spell check" hasn't got intercessor on their LIST----I'm shocked----it is such a well used word. I'm kidding of course!!
I've been watching the news and Oprah about what happened in the south of the U.S. There are also some very dear ones,to me,that are going through some tough times. I know, being an intercessor, means hearing God's heart and crying out to HIM for others. This has been a life-time pattern for me. The most difficult part (for me) is to discern the difference between what God is asking me to carry and what I just 'pick up' on my own. Sometimes the two combine and I feel like I'm being pulled under. I REALLY need the SWORD of the Spirit to divide.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

One of those days

I blogged twice today. I lost the first one and realized the second one was very depressing so I erased it. I hate fall and I hate losing friends and football games and pets. This is a down day so I think I'll just quit and go to bed!! This is less depressing than the last one (if you can believe that) so I'll post it--- good night!