blog Forest blog
Last night Cheryl left a message "Blog Mom Blog" This morning I thought of 'Forest Gump' when others said "run Forest run". There came a time when he was done running.
I feel like a BIG CHANGE is happening in the Spirit which will usher in a WHOLE LOT of Change around us. The natural signs are just an indication of what the REAL world that God orchestrates is putting in motion. Right now I have my head to the "WIND" only. I have nothing flippant, witty, funny or insightful to say. I want to "SEE" where we are headed. The "WIND" is moving fast. Hang on to your seat belts!! God is always GOOD!!
I feel like a BIG CHANGE is happening in the Spirit which will usher in a WHOLE LOT of Change around us. The natural signs are just an indication of what the REAL world that God orchestrates is putting in motion. Right now I have my head to the "WIND" only. I have nothing flippant, witty, funny or insightful to say. I want to "SEE" where we are headed. The "WIND" is moving fast. Hang on to your seat belts!! God is always GOOD!!