Mama Bevy's Blog

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


A couple of my favorite movies are "Amandeus" (word not on spell check) and "Good Will Hunting". Both are about brilliant talent in the soul of mixed up people. I wonder what it would be like to raise a genius?? To raise a well-rounded child with abilities that are way beyond your understanding, who are not accepted or misunderstood by the majority of society,would be very difficult. The jealousy that surrounded Amandeus would be a killer to a mother's heart. I read a book last summer about "emotional" intelligence. It was written in response to a study of people with high IQ's. The study followed their lives and the percentage of 'success' stories was less than expected. The author was therefore talking about other kinds of "smarts" than IQ smarts. He called the understanding of people and situations Emotional intelligence. We were discussing
wisdom and understanding last week. I wonder where those two fit into the intelligence scale. IQ or emtional intellegence or both.

Saturday, June 11, 2005


I was listening to a fathers day special from Hollywood. The father that stood out for me was Ron Howard's dad. He was in movies before he became a dad but when he became a father, he said his 'number one' roll was father to his kids. His kids grew up stars but were grounded and able to handle what celebrity threw at them. Ron Howard said of his own kids, We didn't want our kids in the movie business too soon because both I and my wife were career oriented and we knew that it would take laying down our careers for our kids to be ok with stardom. Both farthers understood the equation. One chose kids career over their own. The other chose to protect their children FROM the dangers of a career. NOTHING was entered into without thought and purpose. Both families seem close and grounded. I found all this interesting as things were done purposefully and with the best interest of others in full view. I think with every choice we make in life, there are a whole lot of other choices we give up so we need to plan purposefully and then take responsiblity for the choices we DIDN'T make as well as those we made.