Mama Bevy's Blog

Monday, May 02, 2005

Idols in one's life

I've known for years that one of the best ways to "KNOW THYSELF" is through our angers. John and Paula Sandford have some great teaching on how to use your anger for personal growth. We want others to conform to our image or at least BELIEVE IN the image we are trying to portray. When this happens in a marriage and the compliant partner DOES actually comply and become a carbon copy of their mate, the dominant mate usually despises their creation as it is a reflection of themselves. When someone opposes or refuses to bow down to one of our idols, we want to heat up the furnace of our rage and make it 7 times hotter, to scorch the offending non-compliant person who can't see OUR truth. True freedom only comes as we allow others to be find themselves and be themselves. When "THEMSELVES" really irritates us, we need to ask God to get to the root of OUR anger and cure US--- not them. NO MORE bowing down to worship at the feet of man-made idols. We worship God alone and LET HIM define each of us. Then know it is perfectly ok to be who God made you to be.