Back to the Book
One of the concepts that the author of the book (see last blog) suggests is that there are two categories of people where oppression rules; there are the oppressed and the oppressors. The oppressed have only ONE role model of not being oppressed---you guessed it!! Their role models of not being oppressed is the OPPRESSOR. So until another option is discovered, regimes change but no new thing is discovered, only more oppression. The author also suggested that by empowering the oppressed to think for themselves and walking with them as they discover a brand new way, the oppressed can free both themselves and their oppressor. He says this freecom can not come from the oppressor as it will look like charity so that he, the oppressor, can keep his position of authority therefore not truly setting the oppressed free. This position bothered me as I think both sides should be able to initiate freedom. The only example I could think of, was the change of heart of Zacheus, where he saw his oppression of others and was willing to make restitution and change his position from oppressor to servant. I know true change is a process and realization of the damage done takes time. Because of the work that I do, I was thinking that a micro picture of what this guy is saying, could be between adults and children. It is easy to act and react as oppressor and the oppressed, with little ones and it takes a WHOLE LOT OF ENERGY to walk WITH little ones and not OVER them. One of the things that the author says is a result of oppression is lethargy or as we like to say in Winnipeg apathy--who cares!! If one of the ruling attitudes in our city is apathy---could we reverse this guys conclusion and see if this is a city where there is a lot of oppression???? HUMMM HUMMM??? Please comment or refute or discuss among yourselves as I'm verklempt!!