Open our EYES
I've been listening to a series of tapes called "The Bride of Christ through the Bible" It is amazing to me that so many 'clues' are there right in front of our eyes but we don't see. I remember when we first bought a van and it seemed EVERYONE was driving a van. Then we had a truck with a push in camper on the back and it seemed like EVERYONE had one of those. Before, we were unaware of vans and campers, but when we OWNED one our eyes were then opened to vans and campers. This is true of unrevealed truths in the Bible. We were once told that the gifts of the Spirit were gone so when we read about them in the Bible we just glazed over that part. Then our eyes were opened to a 'new' truth--these things were still in operation!! All of a sudden we could see throughout scripture that God meant HIS gifts for us NOW. That is what it has been like listening to The Bride tapes. WOW!! This was God's whole plan from before time!! He started the Bible with a wedding, He ends it with a wedding. His first miracle was at a wedding. Another great MYSTERY is being revealed. As more light is shed on this over the next 20 or 30 years, we'll all be saying, "Sure it is very plain throughout the Bible". But for now we need a special grace to be able to SEE IT CLEARLY.