Mama Bevy's Blog

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Mother's Day

This is NOT a week that needs ANOTHER celebration at it's end. We've had two birthdays and an anniversary starting from Tuesday. The coffers are empty from lunches, dinners and presents. STILL, I can't help but think of my Mom today. She has been gone for seven years and I mostly remember her blessings. She was always there to rescue and pray when things were tough. Her home was open with hospitality. She was a very good cook. She took great pride in her gardens. She loved God BEST and ALWAYS. I was her youngest and I could make her smile. She often was serious but I could get her to relax and smile, no laugh right out loud. This makes me glad. I know I brought joy to her life. Now I'm the 'older' generation. My kids have kids. I hope some of MOM'S good Godly traits live on though me. Life without end AMEN.