New Book
I'm reading a book called"The Pedagogy of the Oppressed". It has some interesting thoughts. It is a book from Cheryl's university course. When I read something like this book, first I want to understand the author's point of view. Of course this is filtered through my own understanding so it could be off from the author's intent. Then I reflect on what I thought I heard and filter this through want I understand of scripture and what I have understood of Jesus Himself. If my understanding of scripture line up with the author's thought, then I try to figure out how this should affect any change in MY behaviors. Right now I'm in the REFLECTING stage of this book. Some of what he said, I believe DIRECTLY affects our city and I believe change is needed. Some of what he said affects me directly, but more in a way to "give words or language" to what I believe than actually changing my views. A few things I have to question as they don't seem to line up with what I believe Jesus says. This author never uses the term Servant leadership but I believe he understands the concept clearly. I have more to learn so I must go contemplate
some more. I will be writing more about this Cindy described being on a learning to
some more. I will be writing more about this Cindy described being on a learning to