Sunday morning Rebecca worked on her laundry---- What a job! I spent a good part of the day in the loo. I did not want to get too far away from this ceramic bowl. It was a beautiful sunny day too, but I was stuck inside. I will therefore tell of some of the different things I have seen here. The temperature has been as high as 21 degrees and a whole lot of ladies are walking around in mukluks with the pom-poms and all!!

Since I have only seen these before when it is minus 20 so the snow is hard enough not to get them wet—this seems strange. Apparently winter boots are also for the style conscious no matter the temperature. Scarves are worn by all ladies tied a certain way or wrapped around many times. Nancy’s frilly things are in every shop---- Frilly purses, tops, skirts, and dresses. I’ve seen a few skirts , with the materials that we used to make crinolines of, OVER the skirt not under. Hair is much the same here as a home. Men dress to the nines, no matter their job. Even taxi drivers have suites and ties on. This seems strange to me to see men on their way to work dressed in their Sunday best every day. I’m feeling better this evening so we’ll see what tomorrow brings. Bye

Since I have only seen these before when it is minus 20 so the snow is hard enough not to get them wet—this seems strange. Apparently winter boots are also for the style conscious no matter the temperature. Scarves are worn by all ladies tied a certain way or wrapped around many times. Nancy’s frilly things are in every shop---- Frilly purses, tops, skirts, and dresses. I’ve seen a few skirts , with the materials that we used to make crinolines of, OVER the skirt not under. Hair is much the same here as a home. Men dress to the nines, no matter their job. Even taxi drivers have suites and ties on. This seems strange to me to see men on their way to work dressed in their Sunday best every day. I’m feeling better this evening so we’ll see what tomorrow brings. Bye