Friday Oct 28
This is a beautiful place. We were at the beach again yesterday and Rebecca commented that the workmen were replacing summer flowers with more hardy winter flowers. Even a winter pansy can survive here. Can you imagine flowers all year round?
For those of you who are ready to pack your bags and move here, I will tell you the routine of a young mom here. Up early to get kids ready. If they are small, you ride with them on your bike while they peddle theirs. Littler ones are in bike wagons or seats behind mom. You pick the kids up for lunch again on your bike then return them after lunch. During your 2 hour break, you shop for the day at your local store, put your groceries in your back-pack or bike saddle bags and go home. Pick the kids up from school and go home to start dinner. Stores close at 6:00 most nights so don’t forget anything as no Walmarts here open evenings!!
Yesterday Rebecca had company over so we took a tram to a bigger store in the centre of town and home again. Her back pack weighed 50 pounds or more and I’m not exaggerating!! I lifted it to even it out on her back . I was dragging my butt just from the shopping trip and she was carrying 50 pounds of stuff home!

Her company took a tram to the central station and then decided it would be a nice stroll to walk here from there. This was a mom and her three kids (youngest 4) and the distance is probably about 2-3 miles. The kitchens are tiny so shopping is every day or two as there is no room for a weeks worth of stuff and besides you couldn’t carry that much at one time.
I tell you these people are in shape without Shapes, the Y, or a gym….which reminds me ……I haven’t seen any of these in my travels!! Bye for now.
For those of you who are ready to pack your bags and move here, I will tell you the routine of a young mom here. Up early to get kids ready. If they are small, you ride with them on your bike while they peddle theirs. Littler ones are in bike wagons or seats behind mom. You pick the kids up for lunch again on your bike then return them after lunch. During your 2 hour break, you shop for the day at your local store, put your groceries in your back-pack or bike saddle bags and go home. Pick the kids up from school and go home to start dinner. Stores close at 6:00 most nights so don’t forget anything as no Walmarts here open evenings!!
Yesterday Rebecca had company over so we took a tram to a bigger store in the centre of town and home again. Her back pack weighed 50 pounds or more and I’m not exaggerating!! I lifted it to even it out on her back . I was dragging my butt just from the shopping trip and she was carrying 50 pounds of stuff home!

Her company took a tram to the central station and then decided it would be a nice stroll to walk here from there. This was a mom and her three kids (youngest 4) and the distance is probably about 2-3 miles. The kitchens are tiny so shopping is every day or two as there is no room for a weeks worth of stuff and besides you couldn’t carry that much at one time.
I tell you these people are in shape without Shapes, the Y, or a gym….which reminds me ……I haven’t seen any of these in my travels!! Bye for now.