Mama Bevy's Blog

Thursday, August 04, 2005


It's been a LONG weekend. Back to John 14

Jesus: I'm going to FED-Ex the "stuff" you ask DAD for..HE wants you to have it. As a matter of fact, He's already really excited at being able to give it to you. Just say "Jesus said it was ok to ask for it " and He'll send it. Get along Dudes...Love each other.
Oh yes and another thing. I'm asking Dad and He'll send you....Let's just say this Guy Dad is sending, is like my Twin. There is nothing He can't do and HE is STAYING with you forever. He can do all that I did while I was with you. You can trust anything and everything HE tells you. You'll know HIM right away 'cause HE looks just like ME...being twins and all. I wouldn't leave you like orphans, all alone and helpless and sad......And like I said to start with I AM coming back. You might not "get" all that I'm saying right now but trust me, but my Twin will help you remember and understand what I'm telling you.

It doesn't give the Dudes reaction to this information overload but I can imagine them sitting in wonder at all this. There is more in this chapter that you can read for yourselves and THEN the next goes right into the Vine and Branches ....I've sat under some teaching that just blows your mind and leaves you on overload but these two chapters have to be major overload for these "Dudes". That's all.