Mama Bevy's Blog

Monday, August 08, 2005

emphasis on the WORD

Last night I heard a lot of scripture read by different people. During that time I "heard" a couple of specific things that God highlighted. Someone said to me not long ago "I don't hear God like you guys talk about". This stuff is subtel and needs practice. Last night, like I said, we heard probably one and one half hours of information, but somewhere deep inside God highlighted 2 things for ME. GOD'S PROVISION COMES WITH GODS' CALL, and THE NAMES ARE A CALL TO THEIR DESTINY. Now if you asked the 3 people I was with if they "heard" these same things, chances are the answer would be no....I heard................(something entirely different). The first statement is meant for more than me....I "knew" when I heard it that it is for a bigger group of people. Again you ask "How did you know?" With the words was an inward I can do to explain. The other was personal and I went (inside not to look stupid) OH I get it, that's why the coming of it has been so difficult. An "AH HA" moment!! Maybe if I was deeper I would have "heard" more but I'm always left with a feeling of being loved when I hear God say ANYTHING!!