Mama Bevy's Blog

Monday, January 22, 2007

I LOVE Mercy

Writing a reply to a blog, I realized just how PASSIONATE I am about mercy and grace. I have received so MUCH mercy in my own journey towards God that I will FOREVER be greatful for mercy. The scripture that says, He that is forgiven much, loves much, I believe to be true of mercy also. I've received much and have a passion to give much mercy. Growing up learning the truth's in God's Word did not fill me with mercy. Seeing my prideful, arrogant, stinking heart and the brokenness of the sinful nature in me was when mercy became precious. How could God put up with my rotten old self that turned people away from HIM. How could He wait so LONG for me to see HIS Light and Life. Why would He bless the little stumbling baby steps that I made towards Him. How could He encourage me through this whole process. I'd be climbing all over someone that moved as slow as I did toward walking uprightly.

I realize that outwardly I could do the Paul thing about being born into a Christian family, sitting under wonderful teaching all my life, being the good Christian kid, doing all the right Christian things BUT my Heart Condition was full of myself demanding others measure up to some standard. HOW INCREDIBLY sick!!! Jesus had no such standard. He just loved to hang out with sinners and make them saints through, love, mercy and forgiveness. YEAH GOD!!! I love your ways!!!