Mama Bevy's Blog

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Wonderful sermon

I skipped church last Sunday and heard an amazingly good sermon from a guy who spoke of himself as a Bible Based Fundamentalist. His point of view was that REAL Christianity could become religious tradition within a generation. One generation might know the REALITY of relationship with God and the next the rules of behavior without relationship. Now I know this is not earth shattering but the one thing that he said that stuck for me was when he spoke of the Ten Commandments. He said that for the "rule people" these are hard and fast rules; but for relationship people these are PROMISES!! You SHALL love the Lord your God - FREEDOM and PRIVILEGE to do the right thing IS MINE. You shall not steal, kill, commit adultery. The PROMISE AND THE POWER to overcome IS MINE!! When I understand the promise (and also the grace that covers my messes), I can LOVE the Law and see it is as sweet as honey as David said.