Mama Bevy's Blog

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Floyd and I had an interesting conversation as he is studying Anthropology. Art and I had been discussing the lack of buildings on this side of the ocean when it is easy to find things from the tenth, eleventh, century and earlier on the other side of the ocean. I'd always heard people say this was because the cultures on this side were hunters and gatherers. This never made sense to me as the other side of the ocean also had hunters and gatherers. Floyd said that it was because the cultures in Europe all were centered on commerce and the ones on this side were not. THIS MADE TOTAL SENSE!!
If all I need is what will sustain me today
If I'm not storing up for the future
If I'm not looking to make more than I need to sell off at a profit
If my time does not have a dollar value attacked to it
I will not be in a huge hurry
I can live in the moment
Tomorrow will take care of it's self
Wow commerce controls EVERY AREA of our lives
For those of you who knew this years ago, this may not be astounding, but for ME who had WATCHED these VERY THINGS for years and wondered WHY OH WHY do people live like this, It was a HUGE Aha!! moment. Keep teaching me my son!!