I confused Rebecca in what I said about commerce. I AM so immersed in commerce that it hurt my head to try to IMAGINE a world without commerce. I think of everything I do in terms of time, and money management, the effect of what I do as it affects my future or the future of those I love. I have watched people that I know who are NOT tied to material things; who aren't worried about being hours or days late; who just look after todays needs and are satisfied; who can live with NOTHING tangible; and I have wondered ???? WHAT GIVES ?????? Why is there no push to go higher, faster, longer???? It did not fit into my "grid". So when Floyd said "Because of commerce", IT was like a lid blew off my thinking and I GOT IT all at once like a revelation. I've seen it, experienced it, wondered about the WHY and all at once I understood. A whole different reality was at work here. One I now need to re-evaluate all the judgment that came with my particular mindset as opposed to another that I didn't understand. So if anyone is still confused, I'll try again to 'splain!!!