Mama Bevy's Blog

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

One voice level

I was at work today with someone who was using one level of voice, just below a piercing scream. We have a mixture of little munchkins and teenagers. There was a rush about everything that was happening ..... hurry, hurry, hurry!! This disturbed me as munchkins ESPECIALLY don't need that level of voice and push. I went home and then came back to address what I had seen. It surprises me that people don't GET that the effect of a loud voice wears off quickly. It is only when you use LOUD occationally that it is effective. Loud is for danger or dire distress. Coaching, encouraging, directing all are good skills and don't need a scream to have happen. So my message for today is SLOW DOWN, QUIET DOWN, RELAX and enjoy the kids!!!!