Judi, my freind, you are aware that I am a REFLECTOR by nature, so it takes some time to process. I woke up this morning thinking about what I felt the heart of your message was. This is what I've heard you say.
"I want clear values and beliefs. I want to KNOW what to expect. I want boundaries around what people will and won't do. I want community that is real and felt, not chatted about. I DON"T want to be ever searching for something else. I want to satisfied with the present reality. Looking for more is wearing me out!! "
If some or all of this is true and you can find like minded people ----they may already exist in a DENOMINATION --------join with them. Blessings on you!!!
Denomination is not a bad word. They have a clear understanding of what they were put on earth to do and go about doing it. I think the Vineyard is part denomination --sure of their pupose and call and following it with purpose, and part mystic-seeker---there must be more. This doesn't necessarily fit with all personalities. I've heard David Ruis in the past give permission for people to find what "fits" them. Being the very 'black and white' person that you are, I'm sure nothing would COMPLETELY fit you ---so a near fit would have to do. I personally will always fit the mystic-seeker mode. I remember as a small child hearing the message of "And greater works than these will you do in MY name" and the whole of the inside of me lit up. Wow GOD is HUGE!!
In the natural, not every person was called to be a Christopher Columbus, searching for new worlds, somebody had to send him and read his tales of adventure in front of a warm fire!! Be at peace my friend, BE all that God calls you to be -- no more, no less. We need those that call "WOE --Steady on there --" You know from history how crazy a mystic can get!! Probably a quarter of them were burned at the stake!!
"I want clear values and beliefs. I want to KNOW what to expect. I want boundaries around what people will and won't do. I want community that is real and felt, not chatted about. I DON"T want to be ever searching for something else. I want to satisfied with the present reality. Looking for more is wearing me out!! "
If some or all of this is true and you can find like minded people ----they may already exist in a DENOMINATION --------join with them. Blessings on you!!!
Denomination is not a bad word. They have a clear understanding of what they were put on earth to do and go about doing it. I think the Vineyard is part denomination --sure of their pupose and call and following it with purpose, and part mystic-seeker---there must be more. This doesn't necessarily fit with all personalities. I've heard David Ruis in the past give permission for people to find what "fits" them. Being the very 'black and white' person that you are, I'm sure nothing would COMPLETELY fit you ---so a near fit would have to do. I personally will always fit the mystic-seeker mode. I remember as a small child hearing the message of "And greater works than these will you do in MY name" and the whole of the inside of me lit up. Wow GOD is HUGE!!
In the natural, not every person was called to be a Christopher Columbus, searching for new worlds, somebody had to send him and read his tales of adventure in front of a warm fire!! Be at peace my friend, BE all that God calls you to be -- no more, no less. We need those that call "WOE --Steady on there --" You know from history how crazy a mystic can get!! Probably a quarter of them were burned at the stake!!