Multiculturalism in Canada
I've always understood that the basic difference between Canada and the U.S. was that Canada welcomed people of other cultures and said, "Be yourself, add to the variety of Canada", while the U.S. said, "We're a melting pot--- come and melt into our image". If this has been true, what has changed?? Traditional values of Thanksgiving and Christmas should NOT be challenged here in CANADA. If someone has DIFFERENT and NEW traditions, these should be valued and celebrated. BUT values of the past need NOT be taken away to have this happen IN CANADA. We need not be of ONE MIND to have cultural acceptance in Canada. Is this just another way that the standards of our Southern Neighbor has influenced Canadian thinking. Soooo I wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS and not "happy holidays". I want to give thanks on THANKSGIVING --not turkey day!! Enough of this caving to "melting pot" thought processes!!! I'm a Canadian and I'm allowed my TRADITIONS without SHAME!!