Mama Bevy's Blog

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


One of the things that has bugged me about buying cable tv is the packaging. I only use about 4 or 5 channels but to get them, I need to buy the whole BUNDLE. The same concept seems to be true in politics more and more. We can listen to an INDIVIDUAL politician and like HIS or HER values and beliefs. We even trust that they LIVE by their values and beliefs. When they are elected, we discover, they come in a BUNDLE and must vote with their BUNDLE. Is this person now representing ME and his voters or are they now REPRESENTING their bundle. They may come from the "grass roots" of home but alas they do not belong to us anymore but only to the BUNDLE to which they are attached. Since there are only 4 or 5 bundles to choose from, it is discouraging to try to find one which best suits my values and beliefs. A SINGLE person is easier to narrow down THEIR values and beliefs ......but who knows where a BUNDLE will go next!!