Mama Bevy's Blog

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Over to HOLLAND post 1-- Lurkers welcome.

Leaving Winnipeg with it's patch-work quilt farming areas, evenly layed out, we were soon above the cloud and could watch a near full moon. We were traveling east into the sunrise so even though I obediently took one of Gaily-Poo's good drugs, I only slept 3-4 hours. The big plane to Heathrow played 'Mr. and Mrs Smith' and 'The Matrix'. I woke in time to see Neo's character take Mr. Smith APART from the inside out. I LOVE that!!
I saw clouds and ocean. Then flying over land again in the UK. I saw what reminded me of one of Mom's crazy quilts. Mom would take scraps big and small, any old shape and size and "fit" them together. That is what the land looked like from the sky. Any old piece of land big or small with hedge rows dividing them. No pattern, no symmetry , large at one end and small at the other, put together and marked by trees. When I flew over London, I thought -Hey another city for Floyd to love. There were trees every where. The row-houses (like in Laureens 'Coronation Street') were taller than our houses so the houses were not hidden by the trees. The row houses looked like train cars all in straight rows, or going around corners, or in crescent shapes. Also Floyd and Brooke and Conlan, I saw a huge soccer (or football) stadium from the sky. I spent about 4 hours in the London airport. Erica and Yvonne, they had all those 'highbrow' shops you like to visit. I just walked by---the one that especially stood out was Harrod's--I'll leave that kind of shopping to you girls. The airport had some lounge chairs like we would use at the side of a pool only much sturdier. I laid on one of them for about half an hour. It was great to have my feet up. Flying over the North Sea to get to Amsterdam, I was surprised at the distance. What was in my mind was seeing the documentaries of boats going across the English channel to land at Normandy and it didn't look like such a distance. Flying over Holland the land was once again uniform, in rows with straight lines. Instead of TREES between the plots of land, there is water. Sort of like ditches filled with water. Some are large enough that there are small boats able to sail in them. Rebecca met me at the airport limping on her sore foot. It is swollen some but she says it is better than before. We took a train from the airport to her station in Den Haag. Travelling along there were tiny cottages ,like we would have at the lake, only much smaller. Rebecca said they are garden cottages where people go for the day to get away and work their gardens. Rebecca's house has three floors. Her apartment in at ground level. This is a row house like I saw in England so it looks like a house and not an apartment. She even has a garden. It is 4:40 in the morning here right now but I haven't adjusted yet so here I am talking to you. Bye for now.